57 Days to Finish Strong!

Nov 04, 2024

Finishing strong in 2024 doesn’t mean:

Hustling nonstop and doing it all

Running yourself into the ground

Saying YES to everything


Finishing strong means: 

Taking care of your most important asset… YOU

Eating nutritious food, drink clean water, move your body for at least 30 minutes/day

Being selective in what gets your time, energy and resources 

Curating your day around the most important instead of stuffing more things on your overflowing to do list … that’s where the power is

Let’s go deeper with Curation below…and to do that, I’m excited to share a small excerpt from my new book, "Unleashing Your CEO Mama" with you! 

(Side note: this process works for all of the men too ;)

We curate…so that your priorities don’t become casualties.

When we hear the word “curate” we may think of art galleries, content, and family heirlooms…not our daily lives! Why not? This one wild life we get to live is so precious. It is a masterpiece. A genuine work of art if done well! Let’s treat it with that reverence and respect. Here is a definition to help us reframe how we may think about it:

CURATE: To select, organize and look after…The word curate derives from the Latin term curare, ‘to care for’. Carefully gathered, sifted, chosen and organized.

It may seem impossible to achieve this idea of curation with all the people, responsibilities, pressures, tasks and events that need our attention. So, it’s critical we do it one step at a time and gain some ground. A few more steps create confidence. Then, we put another curated piece into place. And a few months from now, you’ll be amazed at how far you have come.

The Way to Curate Starts with a Clean Slate: Especially right now when things are piling up fast!

Close your eyes and imagine a picture of an empty calendar and now take up the excitement a notch by realizing it’s your empty calendar! This is getting good! Take a deep breath and gaze at this beautiful picture, full of space and opportunity to build your day around what you truly value! 

Instead of continuing to stuff more on top of what you already have, we start with a clean slate and place our top priorities first. We create the time and space to devote to these VIPs instead of giving them what’s left or waiting “until we have the time”, “after the busy season”, or when whatever is happening has stopped happening.

Begin Now and Do Your Best

It’s time to design the flow of your day anchored by VIPs—do you feel the power?! To be great at anything means we must choose to do fewer things well instead of trying to do everything halfway or worse. What do you really want to give your time and energy to so that you can finish strong?

I’m not suggesting that we only focus on the fun, sexy things and neglect all the money-making work (because we need food with our meals!) and other tasks and responsibilities. But we must schedule and protect the important things.

Something I do that may be helpful to you is to make sure I have a few VIPs in my calendar in these 3 areas:

Play Time: include a couple of activities that are fun for you and your loved ones. This is why we work, isn’t it?

Pay Time: You gotta do the things that only you can do that make the economic bell ring for your company or business.

Unfray Time: This is quiet, reflective, or rejuvenating time that helps you get some peace. Think yoga, prayer, walking in nature without the phone.

Curate Your Day

Step 1: What are the most important VIP’s/priorities for your life and wellbeing over the next 57 days? This is the number of days we get in 2024!  Remember, it can’t be everything…we’ve tried that. When we focus on the few, it makes all the difference. 

Step 2: Prioritize the VIP’s above

Step 3: Look at your clean slate and decide the optimal times/days in which to place your VIPs

Begin with family/personal milestones: birthdays, anniversaries, vacations, family fun/game night, and date night.

Then, the work trips, valuable meetings, events, and projects that have deadlines.

Look at the week and create chunks of time in your days for the priorities you listed above. For example, if you know you are a better person, when you workout most days, like me, plug that in! Spending precious time with kids or grandkids on Wednesday afternoons watching their dance recital or tee ball? Yes, please! Date night with your main squeeze on Saturday? Book it baby! It does not need to be an immense amount of time, it just needs to be focused quality time.

This is a conscious way to make sure we are investing a good portion of our day in what and who we truly value. This creates freedom and peace of mind.

Step 4: After placing the VIPs, now incorporate other essential pieces of your day, like setting consistent times for client follow-up, paperwork, and household duties. These things need to get done, so create space for it in your week. Or, outsource it.

Two of the greatest ways I get leverage for myself as a CEO Mama, at home, is hiring an amazing house cleaner and getting the groceries delivered!! Remember, not everything will make it into your schedule. Choose wisely and reset expectations if you must.

Step 5: Make sure you are leaving a bit of space in between appointments, tasks or the carpool. Everything takes longer than planned. When we pack everything in tightly, one more red light can throw the day back into that stress mode we are trying to avoid!

Let’s curate our days for the rest of this year to truly finish strong AND well. This habit will also help you launch into 2025 by focusing in on the truly important to achieve all your juicy goals for the year ahead!

If you are looking for a strategic partner/CEO Mama Coach to help you curate your days and achieve your goals, I am opening 3 spots!! Click here for more info and let’s have a chat!

Wishing you & yours a magical season!

J'aime xo

photo by Photo by Max van den Oetelaar on Unsplash 


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