Banish the Burnout!
Feb 13, 2024Hi there February! How are you doing? I've had too many conversations over the last few weeks with people that are burning the candle at both ends, putting way more on their plate than they can get done well and they keep saying “Yes.” to things that are really a “Hell No!” They’re wondering why they are already exhausted and feeling like they're too far behind. Sigh. Has that been your experience too? This isn’t the way it has to be.
Here are 3 ways to create a little space to be focused on the priorities that move your business and life forward…
1. Look at the list of everything you’re currently spending time on or are committed to. Be aware of consistent distractions. Remove or set aside things that aren’t as crucial for the season that you’re in. Politely decline from participating further in that PTA or community/business group that is no longer in alignment with your goals. Say “No, thank you.” when someone tries to add something else to your plate because you’ve always done it before. Choose wisely what you say “Yes!” to moving forward.
2. True priorities go into your calendar first. Give them a time slot. Do your best to protect them from the seemingly “urgent” fires that break out throughout the day! Here’s how I make progress on big or critical projects:
- Utilize the power of airplane mode. Create focused space for 30-90 minutes and you’ll be shocked at how much progress you can make! You’ll also feel more in control, less frazzled and have space to be creative and present. It’s a mini digital detox—trust me, you’ll love it!
3. Don’t break promises to yourself. You are the #1 asset in your business. Instead of putting yourself last, or canceling joy or self-care, flip that around so that you have more vitality to feel better and take excellent care of your clients & your family too.
- Start your day with something just for you…maybe focused on gratitude, goals and inspiration.
- Move for 30 minutes a day, outside if you can—this gives you strength, clarity, and energy.
- Don’t book your meetings and appointments on top of one another. Everything takes longer than planned. Instead of being stressed about being late and unprofessional, give yourself and your time some grace.
I encourage all of us to stop this overwhelming madness that our days have become and breakout of the never-ending frenzy. Get clear on what’s really important now and challenge that overflowing list. Ditch the things that aren’t serving you or leading you toward your goals and the person you want to be. Take care of the precious. When you do, you’ll find you’re more focused, fulfilled, and productive. Let’s do this!
J’aime xo
Photo by Resume Genius on Unsplash
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