Release the pressure valve...

Jan 09, 2024

Hello and welcome to 2024! New Year. Fresh with possibility. I'm checking in to see how it's going? Instead of launching head first into this year, I created some space to get clear on what I really want for myself, my family, and my business. I hope you took some time to reflect and celebrate as well.

I wanted to offer a few thoughts I've been embracing and I hope they help you to release any unnecessary pressure as we move forward with hope into our next brilliant chapter.

  • Ease into it. Even if the resolutions you set are faltering, or you set none at all, at anytime, you can start new.
  • Listen to your knowing. If it isn't a goal you truly want, let it go. Begin again.
  • Lean into your gifts, your talents, your heart, your passion. Good things will follow. Opportunities will arrive right on time.
  • Share your perspective and business savvy to help others.
  • Take care of yourself. Hug those you love tight. Be kind. Give grace.
  • Take a chance, be bold, learn something new.
  • Believe in yourself and your dreams. When you get knocked down, rise up.
  • Remember who you are and what you came here to do.
  • Progress, not perfection. Take another step forward.
  • Focus on the important. Be your best self right now where you are.
  • Keep shining your light--the world needs you.

Sending blessings for peace & prosperity to you! Let me know how I can help.

J'aime xo

One more thing...I'm developing a live, online 8-week course for the New Year going deeper into the strategies and tools to bring more calm to the chaos! We will work through it together, with like-minded, brave entrepreneurs who are looking to create more focus, fulfillment and fun in their days! The collaboration and exchange of ideas and wisdom is sure to be epic! If you are interested in learning more about this opportunity, please reply "YES!" to this email. 


Photo by Thomas Kinto on Unsplash

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