Let's Spring Forward...
Mar 27, 2024
And just like that spring is upon us. A chance for a fresh start, a renewal. Beginning again from experience. So. Much. Change. A wise mentor of mine shared a John Maxwell quote with me when I was younger and frustrated with the turbulence… she said “Change is inevitable J’aime, growth is optional.” And I felt that deep.
In fact, the only constant is change. Some shifts are big and scary, most are small and incremental— so much so that we don’t really pay attention, until it is impossible not to notice. Nature shows us that. Our kids show us that. It is truth. We all know it is how we respond to whatever changes that makes all the difference. If your head is spinning from all the change right now in and around your world and our planet, I offer you a few things to bring a little calm and clarity into each day…
Stay focused on the few things you can actually control.
Even fewer than that are the activities, relationships and pursuits that actually bring you closer to the business and life that you truly want.
Keep a calm countenance about you when everyone is fearful and losing their head.
Be flexible. Adapt. If you’re an entrepreneur, you do this every day, sometimes moment by moment! If you’re in the real estate industry on top of that, you know that there’s never been the same day twice and how exciting is that?! You can pivot. You’ve done it before and you can do it again.
Ask yourself, “What’s important now? What are the skills I need to master now? Who do I need to connect with now? What conversations do I need to have now?”
Educate customers and clients with the truth. Demonstrate to them that you know their pain and struggle and you have the solutions. Show them that you’re a professional they can trust and rely on especially during uncertain times as they embark on change. Remember, you are showing up to help them navigate the choppy waters. That is valuable.
Through all of this, the only way that you can show up as a calm and confident professional who is in the know, is to:
- Take time for yourself each day to rejuvenate and refocus.
- Take time to know your client and your Market better than anyone else.
- Take time to reach out and connect with the humans around you. Shine a light and show the way.
You’ve got this. Let me know how I can help.
One of the ways I can help is...
If you’re looking for a consultant with a fresh take to help you create clarity and opportunity in your life and business, I have a few spots available. Simply click here to reach out with a few sentences on what your challenges are and what you are seeking from a consulting relationship and I'll get back to you. I look forward to hearing from you!
J'aime xo
Photo by Boris Smokrovic on Unsplash
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